Health Updates
Last Updated: January 2022
We continue to implement some simple changes to help us reduce the spread of germs at our events.
Please consider signing up to our mailing list to stay up to date.
Online Registration
Please register online and pre-book your dance night so that we can control capacity.
Guidance & Testing
Please don't attend if you feel unwell, including if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 OR any other diseases such as a cold or norovirus. Symptoms of Covid-19 can include: runny nose, headache, sore throat, temperature, loss of taste and/or smell, fatigue and sneezing.
We also encourage the use of lateral flow testing before attending.
Hand Sanitiser
Sanitiser will be available upon entry. Please bring your own if you can!
Where possible, we will improve ventilation by opening doors and windows.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are not required at any time during any of our dances.
Card Payments
We continue to explore the possibility of accepting card payments.
If you have any questions please get in touch
by emailing or by using our contact form.